What is Gingivis?

Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal diseases. The primary cause is microbial dental plaque. It is characterized by swelling, redness, shininess, bleeding during brushing or spontaneously, and bad breath in the gums. Pain is either absent or minimal during this stage. Gingivitis can be completely treated with proper oral care and treatment. Additionally, foreign objects embedded in the gums can lead to abscess and acute pain.

Chronic Periodontitis ​

Chronic periodontitis is a more advanced stage of gum disease. In this condition, the tissues supporting the gums become inflamed and undergo destruction.

It arises due to the accumulation of plaque and poor oral hygiene. Symptoms may include gum recession, deepening of gum pockets, and loss of jawbone. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. The treatment of chronic periodontitis is typically performed by a dentist or periodontist and should be supported by effective oral hygiene habits.

The treatment of chronic periodontitis is carried out with non-surgical methods in mild to moderate cases, while advanced cases may require surgical intervention. Factors such as diabetes, immune-compromising diseases, stress, and smoking can affect the severity of the disease and the response to treatment. The treatment plan should be tailored to each patient’s individual condition.

Aggressive periodontitis is a rare, rapidly progressing type of gum disease. It is often associated with genetic factors and can quickly lead to the destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth. Gum inflammation, deepening of gum pockets, jawbone loss, and tooth loss are serious consequences of this condition. Treatment may involve oral hygiene measures, professional cleanings, and sometimes surgical interventions. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

After treatment, teeth regain a clean and healthy appearance. Gums become pink, firm, and free from bleeding. If there was advanced bone loss, following the operation, teeth may have more space between them, but the supporting tissues are healthy. Many periodontal problems can be resolved through treatment methods. However, if there is insufficient bone, tooth extraction may also be considered.

The success of periodontal surgery depends on individual factors. Factors such as diabetes, smoking, and alcohol consumption can affect surgical outcomes. The effectiveness of treatment depends on each patient’s healing capacity. Additionally, careful post-operative care of the area is important.

The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the disease and typically ranges from 3 to 6 months. Regular follow-up appointments are necessary after treatment.