What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a therapeutic procedure performed to correct nerve damage caused by tooth decay. During this treatment, a dentist conducts the procedure using local anesthesia, providing patients with a painless and comfortable experience.

Especially with the root apex locators used today, dentists have the ability to accurately determine the exact location of the roots. This allows for root canal treatment to be performed more precisely and successfully. Root apex locators assist in effectively treating the roots up to their very tips. These advanced technologies support patients in maintaining healthy teeth and preserving their oral health.

Pain is typically not felt during root canal treatment because the procedure is made painless through local anesthesia. There may be some slight sensitivity after the treatment, but this is usually temporary.

Root canal treatment is usually completed in a single session, but in cases with severe inflammation, two sessions may be necessary. The number of sessions is determined based on the condition of the tooth

The duration of root canal treatment can vary depending on the condition of the tooth and typically ranges from 1 to 3 hours. Factors such as the complexity of the treatment, the extent of infection, and the position of the tooth can influence the duration.

After root canal treatment, there may be mild sensitivity or discomfort in the tooth. This condition is usually temporary and tends to decrease within a few days. If it worsens or persists, it is important to consult a dentist.

Root canal retreatment is a procedure performed when the previous root canal treatment has failed or new issues have arisen. It may be necessary due to reasons such as the persistence of infection, structural problems, or ongoing pain. Your dentist can recommend retreatment after evaluating the situation.

The lifespan of teeth that have undergone root canal treatment can vary depending on a range of factors such as regular maintenance, overall health, the risk of decay and damage, the tooth’s position, protective restorations, and individual factors. When well-maintained and supported by dental check-ups, teeth treated with root canal therapy can remain healthy for many years.”